Practice Final Exam

If you have difficulty with a problem go to the table of content and study the material
under that topic and try the problem again. Another method of learning is if you get
the wrong answer study the solution then retry the problem. Do this until your able to obtain
the correct answer.

Solve for the variable:
  1. t(t - 4) = 0  answer
  2. 6p2 - 9p - 15 = 0   answer
  3. 64r2 - 36 = 0  answer
  4. - 4x2 + 14x - 10 = 2  answer
  5. (4/9)s2 - (25/18)s + (7/12) = 0   answer
  6. The Japanese flying squid is reported to leave the water and fly at approximately 11 meters per second for
    a maximum of 3 seconds reaching a height of approximately of 30 meters.

  7.   answer

  8.   answer

    For what values are the following undefined?

  9. (t -3)/(t2 - 4)?  answer
  10. (3p -12)/(2p2 - 4)?  answer
  11. (r -3)/(r2 + 4)?  answer
  12. (t - 2)/(t2 + 4t - 12)?  answer

  13.   answer

  14.   answer

  15.   answer

  16. What is the solution set t ≥ 4.3 ?   answer

  17. Is the following polynomial a monomial, binomial or trinomial and give its degree.

    t7r6p + t4r3p3   answer

  18. Find the value of T(4) for the polynomial 2T3 - 4T2 + 5T   answer

  19. Solve the following problem:
  20.         5x2 + 7x + 14
    (-)   3x2 + 3x - 5


  21. What does  3√27   =      answer

  22. What does  3√128   =      answer

  23.   4 √24  x   √32 =      answer

  24.   4  3√24  x   3√32 =      answer

  25.   4  3√7  (2 3√6  + 3√3 )   answer

  26. a)  (5  4√3 - 4  4√3 )(2 4√3  + 4√5 )   answer

    b)  5√t =  15   answer

    c)  4√(t - 9) =  64   answer

    d)  √(t + 8)  + √t   = 5    answer

  27. Write the following with a fractional exponent  6√21   =      answer

  28. Write the following with a fractional exponent and simplify  6√212   =      answer

  29. |-13.5| =   answer

  30. |5t - 5| > 35  answer

  31. |7s + 6| < 50  answer

  32. Solve the following problem:
  33.         1/2  t2 + 1/5  t + 14
      (-) 2/5  t2 +  3  t  -   5

  34. t + 7   
    t2 - 8t + 16
    2t + 1   
    t2 - 16   
  35. p2 + 4p   
    2p2 + 16p + 32
    p + 4   
    p2 - 16   

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