To multiply fractions multiply the numerators and then multiply the denominators.

Example        4  x  3  =  12      try this problem     2  x  4  =     answer
                       7      5      35                                     7      9
Sometimes we get answers that can be reduced. For example    x     = 
                                                                                                      5       4        20
   can be reduced by dividing the numerator 6  by 2 and dividing the denominator
20    by the same number 2.  The answer is reduced from    = 
                                                                                               20     10

When reducing it is important to remember that you must divide the numerator and
denominator by the same number. 

When multiplying fractions it is better to reduce (or cancel) before you multiply.

For example    x    can be reduced by dividing the 6 and 8 by 2. So the problem
                       7       8    is changed from     x    to    x    = 
                                                                    7       8        7      4       28
When using this process you must remember to divide a numerator and a denominator
by the same number.  

Multiplying mixed numbers.  Mixed numbers are numbers such as  3  4/5,  6  7/8.
They contain a whole number and a fraction. When we multiply mixed numbers
we change them to improper fraction (a fraction whose numerator is larger than
the denominator)

Example    2 3/4  x  4 2/3  will be change to  11/4  x  14/3. This is done by
               multiplying the whole number by the denominator and adding the
               numerator.  So  2 3/4 x  4 2/3  becomes  11/4  x  14/3  =  154/12
               We change this to a mixed number by dividing 154 by 12  which
                equals 12 and a remainder of 10 which becomes the new numerator.
                So the answer is 12  10/12  which when we divide the numerator and denominator by 2 reduces to 12  5/6. Could we have
                canceled before multiplying?

Try this example  2 1/3  x  3 2/5   answer


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