Multiplication of decimals is very similar to the way we multiply whole numbers.
The question is how many decimal places are in the answer. Lets look at an example.
45.67 x 2.09 = ? How many decimal places are in the answer?
Estimate what the answer should be.
x 2.09
954503 There are 4 digits (6, 7, 0, 9) to the
right of the decimal point in the problem.
Therefore there must be 4 decimal place
in the answer. So the actual answer
is 95.4503.
Try these examples:
1) .0009 x 6.7 = ? (try to estimate
answer, will it be less
or greater than 6.7 , less or greater
than 1 ?) answer
2) 6.3(.1) = ? (try to estimate
your answer,
and answer the same questions
asked for # 1) answer
What happens to the decimal point when we multiply the following:
4.5678 x 10 = 45.678
4.5678 x 100 = 456.78
4.5678 x 1000 = 4567.8
4.5678 x 10000 = answer
Question: Can your answer be greater than 1 if both factors
are less than 1 ? Make up an example and use it to try to
that questions, then check the answer. answer