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  Multiplication of decimals is very similar to the way we multiply whole numbers.     

The question is how many decimal places are in the answer. Lets look at an example.

45.67 x 2.09 =  ?  How many decimal places are in the answer?
                                Estimate what the answer should be.

                  x 2.09
                954503  There are 4 digits (6, 7, 0, 9) to the
                             right of the decimal point in the problem.
                             Therefore there must be 4 decimal place
                             in the answer. So the actual answer
                              is  95.4503.

Try these examples:
                      1)      .0009 x 6.7 =  ? (try to estimate your
                                answer, will it be less
                                or greater than 6.7 ,  less or greater
                                than 1 ?)  answer

                      2)      6.3(.1) =  ?  (try to estimate your answer,
                               and answer the same questions
                                                   asked for # 1)    answer

What happens to the decimal point when we multiply the following:
             4.5678 x 10 = 45.678
             4.5678 x 100 = 456.78
             4.5678 x 1000 = 4567.8
             4.5678 x 10000 =         answer


Question:  Can your answer be greater than 1 if  both factors
are less than 1 ?  Make up an example and use it to try to answer
that questions, then check the answer.   answer
