Decimals and fractions can be considered different
forms of the same thing. For example:
1) 0.5 = 1/2
Both decimals and fractions are considered fractions.
One is called decimal fractions and the other is
ratio fractions.
7/8 = 0.875 You change ratio fractions to decimal
fractions by dividing the numerator by the
denominator. Use your calculator and
divide 7 by 8.
To change a decimal fraction to a ratio
fraction look at the last digit to the right of
the decimal point. Determine what place
that digit is in and place the digits to the right of
the decimal point (without the decimal point)
in the numerator. The denominator will be the
number which represents the place that the
last number to the right of the decimal point
is located. For example in the above problem
0.875 the 5 is located in the thousandths
place. Hence 0.875 changed to a ratio fraction
will be 875/1000. This will reduce to 7/8.