Inverse Functions

sin 90 = .156434465 The sine's inverse is sin-1(.15634465) = 90

cos 150 = .965925826 The cosine's inverse is cos-1(.965925826) = 150

  1. What does the cos(cos-1(.913545458)) = (study the above material before checking the answer)   answer

  2. What does the sin(sin-1(.731353702)) = (study the last problem before checking the answer)   answer

  3. What does the cos(sin-1(.731353702)) = (study the last problem before checking the answer)   answer

  4. What does the tan(tan-1(.731353702)= (Notice that the #.731353702 is the same as in the above problem # 2 and #3.)
    • Will the angle be the same as #2 ?   
    • Why?
    • answer

    • Is there any angle (x) greater than zero in a right triangle for which the sin(x) = tan(x) or cos (x) = tan (x) ?  Why?
    • answer

  5. What does the cos(cos-1(.732353702)) = answer

  6. What does the cos(sin-1(.658953702)) = answer


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